Is your website being outsourced? Should you be worried?

Posted on August 8, 2016

For a long time outsourcing has been a taboo word for many web companies and clients alike. Outsourced projects often meant horror stories of clients ending up with headaches and costly ventures from a poorly developed product.

However a change is in the air. Outsourcing is no longer a trigger to run for the hills.

dodge outsourcing

The quality of outsourced work has improved exponentially over the years and continue to do so. If your current agency/developer is able to choose the right outsource partner the benefits will leave you with a great experience.

So don’t be alarmed if you hear your work is being outsourced, rather ask the right questions for a peace of mind.

  • Who are the outsourced partners? The reputable/reliable companies should have their own online presence so you can find more information on what they do and which country they are based.
  • Communication. Will you have direct access to the outsourced resource? If so, make sure their language is up to scratch. We’ve had countless experiences where the quality of work has been great but much time wasted on overcoming language barriers.
  • Is there accountability & warranty in place from the outsourcers? Does that funnel through to your project?
  • How much costs are being saved on your project by outsourcing?

The best agencies and developers are confident and transparent with who they’ve selected as partners, so you should have no problems finding out this information.

A bit of due diligence will go a long way in making sure your project is in good outsourced hands!