Your email sending out spam? Here’s the fix

Posted on February 13, 2017

You wake up one morning, grab a coffee and check your emails to find your inbox is filled with bounce backs from people/places you’ve never heard of. To make matters worse you’re getting contacted from your colleagues informing you’re sending out direct spam! What do you do?

This is a classic symptom of being a victim of email spoofing – basically someone has gained access to your inbox and/or account details and is sending out mass emails on your behalf.
Here are some immediate action you should take (if you haven’t already).
  1. Update your password (make sure it’s a strong password).
  2. Scan your computer with an anti-malware / anti-virus program and remove any harmful files. Here are couple of good free scanners depending on what your computer is:

    Windows | AVG Virus Scanner (
    Mac | Sophos (

  3. Check that you are not blacklisted by entering your domain here

Once the above steps are completed all spam emails will cease being sent. You won’t stop receiving spam bounce back emails immediately because the bounce backs are returning from emails which were sent prior to you updating your passwords.

The spam emails should cease bouncing back to your address within 24 hours. In the mean time, you may setup a temporary filter within your email software to automatically trash these bounce back emails to prevent them from bothering you.

It’s also good practice to update your passwords every quarter.


If you’d like further advice on this, let us know.