Moving hosting companies? Don’t forget your emails!
Posted on July 27, 2016
Moving hosts is a common occurrence especially if you’re hunting around for better pricing or service. During the switch to the new provider we’ve seen many clients experience headaches with losing access to their emails.
When moving hosts here are couple of quick tips to ensure you have a smooth transition while preserving your email settings:
Check your DNS details
Visit and type in your website address to find your current MX record(s). The MX record(s) represent the current email settings associated with your domain. Take note of the details for safe keeping.
Notify the new host/developer
This is simple but often overlooked. Let your new developer/host know you already have emails setup on your domain. Whilst it should be due diligence from the providers to ask this question, it’s quite regularly not addressed. Letting them know will remove any assumptions and ensure the MX records do not get touched.
If necessary, provide the new provider with the results of your mxtoolbox lookup.
Please note this assumes you are moving your website hosting only, not transferring your domain name away from one provider to another. Transferring domains is a different layer all together which you can read more on.
If you need a pain free experience moving your hosting we are happy to help.