Your search for 08/2016 returned 5 results.
The essence of strategy is knowing what not to do.
"The essence of strategy is knowing what not to do." - Annon
Most searched for #Rio2016
Find out what people have been searching during the Rio Olympic games 2016 via Google Sarch Trends : Who knew Racewalking was so popular!
Handy Online Tool | Google URL Shortner
The Google URL shortner is a great project by Google that allows you to shorten a long URL to a shorter one, perfect for the social channels that have character limits for their posts. Once the link is created it can be tracked for clicks via the dashboard.
How #CensusFail could’ve been avoided
Over the last 24 hours the hot topic has been the failed online census attempt by the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Dubbed #CensusFail on social media, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Putting all of the technical aspects aside (platform, server loading/balancing etc.) there's one thing with the execution rollout which we would've done ...
Is your website being outsourced? Should you be worried?
For a long time outsourcing has been a taboo word for many web companies and clients alike. Outsourced projects often meant horror stories of clients ending up with headaches and costly ventures from a poorly developed product. However a change is in the air. Outsourcing is no longer a trigger to run for the hills. The quality of outsourced work has ...